Intro of Signature Blanket-
Signature blanket is such a popular brand in blankets that people want to buy just after hearing its name.
Signature company based in Amritsar. But they have very good supply in all India. Some Big Wholesaler & Dealer located in North India.

How’s the quality of Signature?
They produce five star quality blankets, quality that gives extra warmth and a comfortable feel.

Is these Blanket works in heavy winter?
Yes of course! But it’s depend on weight you bought. For heavy winter at least 4 kg blanket you must buy. Because It is my 21 years personal experience of business.

Price Range Starts of Signature blanket?
See if you want to buy blanket 2 kg for single bed. I will suggest you to buy Signature Jupiter blanket or Signature mink blanket for heavy winter 3 kg.
Great colour combination, ultimate designing. If you will look non brand blanket you might get cheap price. But I will suggest you to buy Signature blanket, Because if you buy cheap you will compromising the quality.

Can we buy Signature Blanket online also?
Yes of course you can buy. We have exclusive page for Signature blanket. This is brand new website but our company Rgl Textile Corporation is 10 years old, we promote and sale. Just check below link-
Double ply blanket good or single ply?
This is most confused questions, most people ask this but from my suggestion if we buy single ply blanket it much better. Because blanket we buy for winter. And will you buy a blanket which don’t give you warm?
If you want to buy double ply blanket then it must be above 4 kg. And again if it is Signature blanket you can blindly buy this.
Last Question- Why to buy Signature blanket?
Because the thread used in the signature blanket is excellent and its heat is much higher than other blankets.
Another feature is that the signature blanket has anti-peeling threads, that is, it does not complain of rue. And yes, Signature Blanket’s great design and colours also make it better than other blankets.
If you have still any question or you want to buy signature blanket at wholesale price, just click below link and get wholesale price-
Disclaimer- I have given best and true information according to my experience, But please assume above blog as suggestion only.